Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Big brothers are fun

Scott spent quite some time entertaining Juliet this afternoon by talking jibberish and waving small stuffed animals in her face. She loved it.

In crummy news, I took both kids to the pediatrician this morning for ear checks (they were both diagnosed with ear infections two weeks ago). Juliet is still infected, and Scott still has quite a bit of fluid in his ears. Plus, he and Juliet are both coughing, and Scott has awakened the past two mornings with his right eye crusted over (I know, gross). Three prescriptions and a bazillion dollars later, we're hoping both kids are on their way to recovery. I swear, this house is like an infirmary this cold season - we cannot stay well around here.

We go back in two weeks so the pediatrician can check their ears again. If Scott's ears still look inflamed, we'll have to make an appointment with an ENT. I'm worried Scott will end up needing tubes. *sigh*

Scott + Minnie 4-ever

We went to a couple of birthday parties this past weekend, and Scott had such a great time. The first birthday party was a Disney theme, and Mickey and Minnie Mouse made an appearance. Scott fell head over heels for Minnie. He could not get enough of her! He wanted to sit in her lap and hug on her and put his head on her shoulder and chat with her all afternoon. I had to literally drag him away with him crying and reaching for her. Crazy kid.

A professional photographer (John Adam Photography) was at the party, and the birthday girl's mom emailed me some of the pictures.

Here's Scott with the (creepy-looking) Minnie Mouse.

Gazing adoringly at Minnie.

Holding my hand, while walking over to Minnie.

He was so excited.

A rare shot of me with one of my kids. I'm usually the one behind the camera.

The second party of the day was at a petting zoo. Scott loved the geese and the goats, and he thought it was hilarious whenever the goats would eat pieces of bread out of our hands. Unfortunately, our camera battery died, so we couldn't get any pictures at that party. Oh, well.

Monday, March 17, 2008

New furniture and a fashion show

Scott received an extra special present yesterday - a new set of bookshelves built by his Pops. I am so glad we now have a place to store the eleventy billion books and toys currently shoved in a pile in the corner of our living room.

It turned out really beautifully, didn't it? My dad is so talented. I can't give him all the credit, though. My mom helped, too.

Scott loves it!

See how well it matches his crib and dresser? My dad also built the dresser - it was my little brother's furniture when he was growing up.

When we weren't attempting to climb our new furniture, we were playing fashion show. Now, you might think a 2-year-old boy would enjoy changing outfits multiple times while his mother forces him to pose and have his picture made, but you would be wrong. Scott was a pretty good sport, though, and was willing to show off an outfit I've been waiting to try on him since he was a newborn. It's a hand-me-down from his second cousin Wesley (who is now in high school!), and I think it is adorable.

I don't think I realized just how much Scott looks like Travis until seeing this picture. As he gets older and slims out, he resembles his daddy more and more.

I'm thinking this might be our Easter outfit. Now if I could just get those suspenders to stay up.

Aye, aye, Cap'n!

And speaking of cute outfits, I had to snap a picture of Juliet after church yesterday. She was all dolled up in her little smocked strawberry dress. Couldn't you just eat her up?

Here she is earlier last week, looking very pensive.

Pretty-eyed baby.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Winston Churchill, Alfred Hitchcock and Juliet Swenson.....

Those three people all have one thing in common - a big, bald head. But Juliet's bald head is the cutest of the three, I have to say. See?

You talkin' bout my bald head?

Cheesy baby grin

Silly baby face

She's embarrassed because her green diaper is showing, and it doesn't match.

She has the most beautiful blue eyes - just like her brother.

Coming after the camera - watch out!

Hard to believe she's 4 months old. At 4 months, Juliet is 15 pounds 10 ounces and 26 inches tall. She is in the 95th percentile for height and weight, 75th percentile for head circumference. Such a big girl! She is rolling from back to front and front to back quite easily, and she occasionally gets up on her hands and knees! She's a scooter, too, and moves all over her crib while she's sleeping (she's a tummy sleeper). She reaches for objects and puts everything into her mouth - especially her hands. She giggles when you tickle her under her chin and loves to flirt with anyone who will pay attention. She is such a happy, smiley, little girl.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

We've been busy!

We've had a busy few weeks, and I am sorely behind on updating. We visited Travis's parents a couple of weeks ago and had a great time. Scott had so much fun, he couldn't bring himself to eat or nap. Crazy kid.

Here, Scott and his Nana have an important discussion about something. See, when you visit your grandparents, you get to do fun things like sit on the countertops. Hee.

Rita and Boyd couldn't believe how much Juliet had grown in just the few short weeks since they had seen her last.

Juliet and Nana.

Juliet and Grampa.

We took the kids up to the lakefront to enjoy the beautiful weather. Scott had a blast walking around and looking at dogs. Here he is, walking with his daddy.

I wore Juliet on my chest in the Beco baby carrier, the best invention ever.

She really does smile quite a lot, I promise! I just realized she looks very serious in all of these photos.

The lake was fun, but then it was time to go home.

In wonderful transportation news, our new double stroller arrived Monday! It was a gift from Travis's parents, and I couldn't be more excited about it. We made the kids test it out before bed that night.

It's the 2006 Combi Twin Savvy EX , and I love it. It's very lightweight, folds up easily, and doesn't take up much room in the trunk of my car.

Scott immediately took advantage of Juliet's close proximity by trying to poke his sister in the eye. This could be a problem.

We love our new wheels, Nana and Grampa! Thank you!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

We love Kermit

Scott is crazy about Kermit the Frog.

Don't mind the fact that he is wearing no pants and only has on one sock. I swear I usually put pants on my child.