Scott spent quite some time entertaining Juliet this afternoon by talking jibberish and waving small stuffed animals in her face. She loved it.
In crummy news, I took both kids to the pediatrician this morning for ear checks (they were both diagnosed with ear infections two weeks ago). Juliet is still infected, and Scott still has quite a bit of fluid in his ears. Plus, he and Juliet are both coughing, and Scott has awakened the past two mornings with his right eye crusted over (I know, gross). Three prescriptions and a bazillion dollars later, we're hoping both kids are on their way to recovery. I swear, this house is like an infirmary this cold season - we cannot stay well around here.
We go back in two weeks so the pediatrician can check their ears again. If Scott's ears still look inflamed, we'll have to make an appointment with an ENT. I'm worried Scott will end up needing tubes. *sigh*
Geaux Saints!!!
15 years ago