Wednesday, June 25, 2008


It was way past lunchtime and naptime by the time Scott had his picture taken, so he was starting to melt down. But we did get some good photos of him. He's such a cutie, my little man.

Before Tracie started shooting, Scott fell down and hurt himself. Hugs from Mama made it better, though. Poor guy.

Our awesome friend Courtney of Zeller Designs made Scott's jon-jon.

I love this one.

As for a good picture of the two kids together - hahahahahahaha. You're more likely to see a photograph of a unicorn in my kitchen. This is the best we could do:

Pictures galore - Juliet!

I am so lucky to have some very talented friends in my life. One of them is Tracie of Studio U Photography in New Orleans. Tracie was the photographer at the Slidell Sentry-News back when I was writing, and we became good friends. She is insanely talented, and she came over last week to photograph the kids. Most of the photos are of Juliet, as it was the first time the poor kid had been photographed by a professional since she was born.

Check out Tracie's handiwork....
These were all shot in our dining room.

If I had known I was going to be in the photos, I might have fixed my hair! Oh, well.

Travis thinks the barrette on her head looks like a fried egg. Well, it's not. It's a FLOWER. And it's CUTE.

These were taken in Juliet's bedroom.
This one makes me laugh. She looks like such a little munchkin.

Pictures of Scott will come in the next post....

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The two Evelyns

Aunt Evelyn came to visit this past weekend! It was such a joy to see her. Aunt Evelyn is my dad's maternal aunt. Her sister, my grandmother, died soon after giving birth to my dad (I was named after my grandmother Betsy). Aunt Evelyn is very dear to me, and my Juliet Evelyn is her namesake. I hope our little girl grows to be as lovely and kind as my wonderful great aunt.

Aunt Evelyn with Juliet Evelyn

The whole family - my mom, me, my dad, brother Michael, Aunt Evelyn, and the kids. Travis was the photographer. Scott was long overdue for a nap and was a little, um, fussy. Is it wrong that this picture totally cracks me up?

Scott has been really enjoying his gymnastics class. Unfortunately, I'm a crummy photographer and can't seem to get any decent pictures of him while there. Here he is with his physical therapist Michele, who meets us up at the gym every Tuesday to work with Scott.


Trying to maneuver his way out of the foam pit. It requires a lot of abdominal strength to move around in there!

Juliet thinks gymnastics is pretty fun, too. The toddler "gymnasts" are quite taken with her and are always patting her on the head, kissing her, and rolling (throwing) balls at her to encourage her to crawl and play. She loves it, even when she gets bonked in the face.

Gymnastics class can be pretty tiring, though. In the past week, Juliet started pushing herself up to a seated position. Here she is, after falling asleep while sitting up and falling over in her crib. Poor kid. No, Mom, I didn't leave her to sleep that way.

In other Juliet news, she cut her two bottom teeth in the past week. She's very particular about allowing them to show, so I haven't been able to nab a picture of them just yet.

Scott is starting up swimming lessons this Friday, and I think he'll really enjoy it. The kid loves being in the water and is always blowing bubbles and putting his face in the water while in the bath. He's a little fish.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Our laptop is fixed - woo! Which means I have pictures to share! But first, a brief update. We took Scott to the ENT Thursday, and she recommended tubes in his ears and having his adenoids removed. We scheduled the surgery for July 18, and I'm pretty nervous about it. I've never had my baby put under general anesthesia before! The tubes should help put an end to his chronic ear infections, and the adenoidectomy will help alleviate his snoring, so it should all be worth it.

The ENT also prescribed Robinul for Scott to help dry up his excessive drooling. I dropped off the prescription today and will pick it up tomorrow. I know this sounds dramatic, but if the medication works for Scott, it will be almost life-changing. Right now, Scott wears a bib at all times, and it's not uncommon to change his bib three or four times an hour. I always have four or five bibs packed in my diaper bag, and I have to carry a small washcloth with me at all times to mop up any drool Scott might leave behind him. It is getting OLD. Cross your fingers that the Robinul is successful for us.

And now, on to the pictures.

First, the adults. Here's me, Megan (who just moved back to New Orleans from DC - yay!), my mom and Caryn, getting ready to go see "Sex and the City." Best. Movie. EVER.

This is what I am usually greeted with when fetching Juliet out of her crib after naptime. For some reason, seeing her standing up in her crib is totally amusing and entertaining to me. She is such a monkey.

Scott, in one of the outfits our friend Courtney, Sewing Extraordinaire, made especially for him. Notice his busted chin - thanks, concrete floors.

Juliet, in the adorable dress her great aunt Angela made just for her. Isn't it precious? She looks like she should be yodeling or something.

See how much she loves it? Yodelayheehoo!

Scott, looking ever so pensive.

My children are very serious.

Look at that adorable stick-up hair! Baldy no more!

A rare moment for these two - nobody is biting or pulling hair or yanking toys away from the other.

Nana and Grampa visited for Father's Day and were much impressed with all the new tricks the kids are up to these days.

And speaking of tricks, check out Scott's walking! This was taken on our front porch today.

All in all, things are good around here. Father's Day was pretty low-key - we baked some homemade goodies for Travis, allowed him to sleep in, and sent him off to a movie (Ironman) all by his lonesome. He was in Daddy Heaven.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It is HOT!

It's been awhile since I've updated, but I have a good excuse. Our laptop is kaput, and we're waiting for Dell to replace it. It's taking forEVAH. So in the meantime, I'm forced to use the "big" computer, which we keep stored in Juliet's closet. And man, it is HOT in the closet. I'm not wanting to spend much time on the computer these days.

Quick update on the kids, though. Juliet is 7 months old!!! She's pulling to stand on everything, and she's scooting all over the house. I'd say she's crawling, but she's still doing her wounded soldier move - crawling with one leg and dragging the other behind her. It's hilarious.

Scott started gymnastics class last week, and he loves it. His physical therapist meets us up at the gym, and he has a great time working with her. The floors are nice and padded, and Scott feels confident enough to walk wherever he wants to go while we're there. His balance is improving all the time.

As soon as we get the laptop situation remedied, I'll be back to post some pictures. For now, I've got to get out of this closet!