Thursday, May 29, 2008

Little monkey

Crazy monkey-baby Juliet pulled to stand this week! Little nutjob doesn't realize she's only 6 months old. She's only done it a couple of times, but you can see how proud of herself she is.

Here she is, showing off her bizarre crawling skills. She crawls as if she has no use of her legs - just dragging them behind her.

And in other news, Scott is feeling much better and may be out of quarantine tomorrow - yay! I've been getting cabin fever at home with these kids all week. If I have to watch another day's worth of PBS Kids, I think I'll have to be committed.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Welcome to Sickville - Population: 4

Memorial Day weekend was....well, let's just say it was better than a weekend spent shoving toothpicks in my eyes. Although I was tempted to do just that on a few occasions.

Scott has hand, foot and mouth disease. It sounds really icky, but it's not really dangerous - just very uncomfortable for the poor kid. It is absolutely not the same thing as foot and mouth disease - Scott does not have mad cow. His symptoms include a rash on his feet, hands and a few other spots on his body, painful sores in his mouth, fever, unwillingness to eat and drink, and extreme fussiness. He's also extremely fussy. Did I mention he's fussy? Um, yes. He's extremely fussy.

We've done nothing but watch TV all weekend (try watching Ice Age 337 times in a row and see if you don't go insane) and attempt to pacify our whining, uncomfortable child. It is both pitiful and maddening. Thankfully, he seems to be on the upswing, so here's hoping tomorrow is better.

Juliet seems to be doing okay so far, but HFM is extremely contagious, so I'm thinking it's only a matter of time. Whee.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Family portraits at the park

A friend of ours is getting into photography, and he asked us to sit for him so he could work on his skills. Of course, we said yes - and I'm so glad we did! He has a great camera, and is really quite talented. I'm so happy with the pictures he took.

My handsome little man - he was all hot and sweaty from walking all over the place.

Check him out - standing all by himself. This picture makes me so happy.

Not the best picture of Juliet, but her outfit is cute, no?

These pictures are my favorites of my girl.

And both of my babies together.

This would be a great picture of all of us if only Juliet weren't the Crazy-Faced Bald Baby. She certainly can make some faces.

A better one of fall of Miss Baldy and everyone together - Scott is such a little camera ham.

See how much I love my girl?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I am so grateful this Mother's Day because I am blessed with two beautiful, loving children. They light up my world in ways I never imagined, and I thank God for them. What a gift, to parent such precious, little people! It is a gift I certainly did not earn, but I am thankful to have been given the charge of mothering my sweet babies.

I love them with all my heart.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Juliet is a ticklish, little thing. Here she is before bed this evening:

She's getting more hair - can't say she's bald anymore! - and she's starting to make a lot of different babbling sounds. We're hearing lots of blehblehBLEH and NEHneh and DUH. It's hilarious. She has lots to "say."

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Juliet is 6 months old!

It's hard to believe our little girl is 6 months old. The time is FLYING. Back when I was pregnant with her, I couldn't imagine how I could possibly love another child as much as Scott. But I've found I have plenty of love to go around, and I'm so crazy about that baby, I can hardly stand it.

Juliet is getting so close to crawling! If she wants something bad enough, she'll scoot/roll to get to it. She grabs at absolutely everything, and of course, it all goes straight to the mouth. Her favorite items to grab include my hair (ouch!), Scott's hair (ouch!) and my cup of coffee (ouch!).

We have her 6-month well baby visit next week, and it will be interesting to see how she has grown.

Check out my precious baby - I love her so much, even if she is perpetually bibbed.

I propped her up in the corner of the chair the other evening before bed, and Travis was cracking up at her "Sears Portrait Studio" pose. I think she looks like George Costanza.

Juliet is so strong! Here she is, doing tricks with her daddy:

We visited Travis's parents this past Sunday, and Scott had so much fun, he wore himself out. Here's proof - the little guy taking a nap with his Grampa out on the back porch:

My two favorite guys: