Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The two Evelyns

Aunt Evelyn came to visit this past weekend! It was such a joy to see her. Aunt Evelyn is my dad's maternal aunt. Her sister, my grandmother, died soon after giving birth to my dad (I was named after my grandmother Betsy). Aunt Evelyn is very dear to me, and my Juliet Evelyn is her namesake. I hope our little girl grows to be as lovely and kind as my wonderful great aunt.

Aunt Evelyn with Juliet Evelyn

The whole family - my mom, me, my dad, brother Michael, Aunt Evelyn, and the kids. Travis was the photographer. Scott was long overdue for a nap and was a little, um, fussy. Is it wrong that this picture totally cracks me up?

Scott has been really enjoying his gymnastics class. Unfortunately, I'm a crummy photographer and can't seem to get any decent pictures of him while there. Here he is with his physical therapist Michele, who meets us up at the gym every Tuesday to work with Scott.


Trying to maneuver his way out of the foam pit. It requires a lot of abdominal strength to move around in there!

Juliet thinks gymnastics is pretty fun, too. The toddler "gymnasts" are quite taken with her and are always patting her on the head, kissing her, and rolling (throwing) balls at her to encourage her to crawl and play. She loves it, even when she gets bonked in the face.

Gymnastics class can be pretty tiring, though. In the past week, Juliet started pushing herself up to a seated position. Here she is, after falling asleep while sitting up and falling over in her crib. Poor kid. No, Mom, I didn't leave her to sleep that way.

In other Juliet news, she cut her two bottom teeth in the past week. She's very particular about allowing them to show, so I haven't been able to nab a picture of them just yet.

Scott is starting up swimming lessons this Friday, and I think he'll really enjoy it. The kid loves being in the water and is always blowing bubbles and putting his face in the water while in the bath. He's a little fish.

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