I'm sorry for being such a slacker about updating our blog. Life has been crazy lately! Travis had a wretched case of bronchitis last week, which meant I was on my own with the kids. Fun times. Thankfully, we all survived, and everyone appears to be healthy right now. Here's hoping it lasts.
Juliet turned 5 months old Monday, and she is doing more and more every day. She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth like she's trying to go somewhere, so I'm wondering if crawling will come soon. She blows raspberries, makes some consonant sounds, stands when holding our hands, reaches for toys, and puts everything into her mouth. She always has a smile for her brother, and she's very ticklish. She really is a happy, little baby.
Juliet received her second round of vaccinations yesterday, so she's been a little bit fussy since then.
Scott has finally kicked the ear infection that has been plaguing him, but I think we're still going to visit with an ENT to discuss his drooling. Scott is quite a drooler, which is normal for a kid with low muscle tone. But his drooling is pretty excessive, even for his low tone. It's not unusual for us to go through three or four bibs in an hour, and I always have at least four bibs packed in our diaper bag for outings. He also snores at night, so I'm wondering if maybe he has enlarged adenoids....? Anyway, it will be interesting to talk to an ENT about it and get a professional opinion.
Scott is taking more unassisted steps around the house, and he really seems to enjoy doing it. He has to be prompted to take steps and needs a little help to get his balance before he can get moving, but he's getting steadier every day.
Life is good, if not very exciting, and we're enjoying the kids. They really are a ton of fun. Anyway, here's what you really wanted - pictures!
The weather has been pretty nice the past few weeks, so we've been spending a lot of time outside. Here's my little baldie hanging out on our front lawn:

Doing headstands on your sister is fun!

Sweet boy

Silly boy

Miss Thunder Thighs

Scott checks out his Easter basket on Easter Sunday
Hmmmm, a plastic egg. What should I do with this?
Of course! Eat it! Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!
Scott with his daddy

I have no pictures of Juliet on Easter because I am the Worst Mother Ever. I keep meaning to put her back in her Easter outfit and snap her picture with her basket, but I haven't done it yet. Soon, I promise. Oh! But I do have this - a funny little video I shot of her last night. I was trying to get some footage of her getting on her hands and knees, and she was kind of grumpy about it. She was tired and fussy from her shots, and she kept making the funniest faces. Silly girl.