I am such a slacker blogger. But my kids wear me out, man, and I can only bring myself to do so much. That's my excuse for pretty much everything these days.
So big news around the Swenson house is the transformation of our formal dining room into a playroom for the kids. We bid a sad farewell to our dining room table, hiked the lovely chandelier up about 6 inches to prevent head-bonking, and threw all of the kids' toys onto the floor. Whee - instant playroom! An HGTV makeover it is most definitely not, but whatever, the kids like it. And I can keep an eye on their tomfoolery while I'm cooking in the kitchen. More like, I can pick the kids up from underfoot in the kitchen and repeatedly toss them back into the play area while pleading with them, "Please! For the love! Stay in your playroom and quit trying to dig steak knives out of the dishwasher! The playroom is FUN! You LOVE the playroom! Now PLAY!"
Never mind that the play area is filled with practically every toy known to man, the most fun room in the house is the room where Mama is. Especially if that room is the bathroom. *sigh*
Scantily clad Juliet says, "The playroom is fun! As long as Mama is in here, entertaining me every second!"
Scott is bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but Travis, who can only handle so much fun, has been abandoned to sleep on the Elmo chair. Pretending to sleep will occasionally ward off the children, but they get wise to it pretty quickly.
We spent our July 4 visiting Travis's parents, who were camping out in the great metropolis of Picayune, Miss. Scott loved walking all over the RV park, but his first priority was to max out with a cold one.
A long day in the sun will wear you out, as evidenced here:
Grampa seems to have the magic touch when it comes to getting toddlers to nap. We're thinking of renting him out for a small fee.
Juliet, looking festive.
Nana admires Juliet's July 4 finery.
And as if a visit with Nana and Grampa wasn't enough excitement for us, Caryn and her family came for a last-minute visit July 4 weekend! The kids had a great time playing with Brinlee and Allison, and we loved hanging out with Caryn, her husband Kirby, and Kathie, Caryn's mom.
Allison shows Juliet the proper way to play with foam blocks. Juliet is suspicious.
We enjoyed a barbecue at a friends' house on Saturday evening. Here, Kathie attempts to corral Brinlee, Scott and Allison for a picture.
Allison says, Who, me? I would never pinch the baby! Whatchootalkinbout, Willis?
So it was a fun weekend, and as usual, there are very few pictures of adults. Oh, well. We're back to life as usual this week - here are the kids at Barnes and Noble storytime Tuesday. I was afraid we were going to get thrown out, Juliet was causing such a ruckus. She made quite a spectacle of herself, shrieking with glee during the entire story and clapping her hands in the air. Oh, and at one point, she leaned over the side of her stroller and threw up all over the floor. So that was fun. One of the other moms commented on her impressive aim.
We plan on taking it easy this weekend, depending on how cooperative the kids are. They're not so into taking it easy sometimes. We'll see.
Geaux Saints!!!
14 years ago