Sunday, January 20, 2008

So much for going out.

So we attempted our first dinner out last night - all four of us. And we brought along my parents as backup. It was an abysmal failure. Everyone seemed happy enough when we left the house, but by the time we arrived at the restaurant, Juliet was starting to melt down. We got her inside, where she morphed into Crazy Fussing Baby Extraordinaire. We were at a loud hamburger joint, the kind of place where people don't care if your kids are yelling, but this was ridiculous. She was absolutely screeching, despite my best efforts at bouncing her all over the place.

So we gave up.

My mom and I left with Juliet, and Travis, Scott and my dad stayed behind and enjoyed a nice dinner of cheeseburgers. Once home, my mom and I took turns bouncing the baby on the exercise ball (hoo fun!) and eating Burger King. It was a rockin' night.

Thankfully, Juliet isn't always such a nightmare, so we'll keep her around for the time being. In fact, she was being downright adorable today. See?

On tomorrow's agenda - getting Juliet to take a bottle. I'm going to a fondue party with my MOMS Club tomorrow night and leaving Travis with the two children. He's so excited. Ha.

Here's another picture of our punk-baby daughter, flashing her dimples. It's a good thing she's cute.

And because we can't leave out her brother, here is Scott waking up from a nap the other day. That green blanket is his "chew blanket," and heaven forbid you attempt to put him to bed without it. He loves that thing, and his favorite thing to do is chew on it - hence the "chew blanket." It's pretty disgusting and perpetually smells like mildew, despite my best attempts to wash it.

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