Monday, June 16, 2008


Our laptop is fixed - woo! Which means I have pictures to share! But first, a brief update. We took Scott to the ENT Thursday, and she recommended tubes in his ears and having his adenoids removed. We scheduled the surgery for July 18, and I'm pretty nervous about it. I've never had my baby put under general anesthesia before! The tubes should help put an end to his chronic ear infections, and the adenoidectomy will help alleviate his snoring, so it should all be worth it.

The ENT also prescribed Robinul for Scott to help dry up his excessive drooling. I dropped off the prescription today and will pick it up tomorrow. I know this sounds dramatic, but if the medication works for Scott, it will be almost life-changing. Right now, Scott wears a bib at all times, and it's not uncommon to change his bib three or four times an hour. I always have four or five bibs packed in my diaper bag, and I have to carry a small washcloth with me at all times to mop up any drool Scott might leave behind him. It is getting OLD. Cross your fingers that the Robinul is successful for us.

And now, on to the pictures.

First, the adults. Here's me, Megan (who just moved back to New Orleans from DC - yay!), my mom and Caryn, getting ready to go see "Sex and the City." Best. Movie. EVER.

This is what I am usually greeted with when fetching Juliet out of her crib after naptime. For some reason, seeing her standing up in her crib is totally amusing and entertaining to me. She is such a monkey.

Scott, in one of the outfits our friend Courtney, Sewing Extraordinaire, made especially for him. Notice his busted chin - thanks, concrete floors.

Juliet, in the adorable dress her great aunt Angela made just for her. Isn't it precious? She looks like she should be yodeling or something.

See how much she loves it? Yodelayheehoo!

Scott, looking ever so pensive.

My children are very serious.

Look at that adorable stick-up hair! Baldy no more!

A rare moment for these two - nobody is biting or pulling hair or yanking toys away from the other.

Nana and Grampa visited for Father's Day and were much impressed with all the new tricks the kids are up to these days.

And speaking of tricks, check out Scott's walking! This was taken on our front porch today.

All in all, things are good around here. Father's Day was pretty low-key - we baked some homemade goodies for Travis, allowed him to sleep in, and sent him off to a movie (Ironman) all by his lonesome. He was in Daddy Heaven.

1 comment:

Dominick's Mommy said...

Oh Girl, your kids are so precious. I am so happy for you guys that things are going so well! I will pray for Scott for his little surgery.